Dr Ricardo Torres

Dr Ricardo Torres

Systems Modeller Data Assimilation

rito2025-02-06@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Dr Ricardo Torres is a senior scientist at PML. He started his career in physical oceanography in 1991 when he attended the University of Vigo, Spain in order to gain a degree in Ocean Sciences. He then moved to the University of Wales, Bangor, UK where he undertook a PhD (under the supervision of Prof E.D. Barton) on the upper layer dynamics of the Galician Upwelling system. He joined the PML Modelling group in 2002, acquiring expertise in data assimilation, interpreting and modelling marine systems and its relationship with the physical environment.

As a senior scientist at PML he is involved in a diverse range of topics including the modelling and observation of physical-biology interactions at varying time and spatial scales, from basin and meso to microstructure scales. He currently focuses his research in the development of high resolution coupled ecosystem-hydrodynamic models for the estuarine and coastal environment, with particular focus on the impacts of marine renewable energy extraction. His aspiration is to better understand the coastal ocean system and to pursue an integrative knowledge of how the multiple components, processes, and scales fit together. He is still very much interested in the small scale interactions between biology and physics, and pursues novel observational techniques to further our understanding on this complex and exciting topic.

Ricardo has made over 40 presentations and posters and written over 25 project reports. He is involved in PML core programmes, including physical-biological interactions at varying time and spatial scales. He has 36 peer reviewed papers and has participated in 10 international research cruises. He also currently supervises one PhD students.

Key Projects

  • NERC SMILES – Surface Mixed Layer Evolution at Submesoscales (2014-2017).
  • European Space Agency FLUX (2011-2014)

Selected Publications

  • R. Torres, E.D. Barton, P. Miller and E. Fanjul (2003). Spatial Patterns of wind and sea surface temperature in the Galician Upwelling Region Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(C4), 3130, doi:10.1029/2002JC001361.
  • Joint I., M. Inall, R. Torres, F.G. Figueiras, X.A. Alvarez-Salgado, and M. Woodward (2001). Two Lagrangian Experiments in the Iberian Upwelling System: tracking an upwelling event and an off-shore filament. Progress in Oceanography, 51, 221-248.
  • E.D. Barton, M. Inall, T. Sherwin and R. Torres (2001). Vertical structure, turbulent mixing and fluxes during Lagrangian observations of an upwelling filament system off Northwest Iberia. Progress in Oceanography, 51, 249-267.
  • R. Torres, E.D.Barton (2007). Onset of the Iberian upwelling along the Galician coast. Continental Shelf Research 27:1759-1778
  • R. Torres, E.D. Barton (2006). Winter development of the Iberian Poleward Flow in the Galician coast. Continental Shelf Research 26 (10): 1134-1153R.
  • R Torres, J. I. Allen and F. G. Figueiras (2006). Sequential data assimilation in an upwelling influenced estuary. Journal of Marine Systems. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.02.01
  • Ussher, S. J., E. P. Achterberg, C. Powell, A. R. Baker, T. D. Jickells, R. Torres, and P. J. Worsfold (2013), Impact of atmospheric deposition on the contrasting iron biogeochemistry of the North and South Atlantic Ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 27, 1096–1107, doi:10.1002/gbc.20056.
  • R. Torres and R. Uncles (2011) . Modelling of Estuarine and Coastal Waters. In Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Sciences. Ed. E. Wolanski and D.S. McLusky, Waltham: Academic Press. Vol 2, pp. 395-427.