Chris Walkinshaw

Chris Walkinshaw

PhD Student    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Chris is a PhD student based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, funded by the EnvEast DTP and affiliated with UEA (University of East Anglia). Chris has an MSc in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Monitoring from Ulster University, which he completed part-time whilst working full-time as a senior research and development scientist for a contract development company based in Cardiff.

His PhD project, entitled “Does microplastic pollution pose a risk to marine life and food security’ is supervised by Dr Matthew Cole (PML), Dr Trevor Tolhurst (UEA), Dr Pennie Lindeque (PML) and Professor Richard Thompson (University of Plymouth). This project aims to investigate the effects of microplastic pollution on marine organisms in the environment, and whether microplastic pollution may pose a risk to food security and human health through the marine organisms that we consume.