Natasha Lloyd

Natasha Lloyd

Business Development Manager - PML Applications Ltd    |     +44 1752 633 209

Natasha Lloyd manages business development for PML Applications, the commercial arm of Plymouth Marine Laboratory. As a member of the Centre for Geospatial Applications (CGA) team, Natasha is responsible for making products created by the CGA team commercially available for purchase. The CGA team comprises of experts primarily dedicated to the application of algorithms and software to produce data products from Earth observation satellite imagery, fixed wing and unmanned autonomous vehicles on a commercial, operational basis.

Natasha represents GEONA Hyperspectral, software that enables anyone from beginner to expert to easily achieve an accurately radiometrically calibrated and geolocated dataset from an airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor. Although only recently commercially available, GEONA Hyperspectral has been acting as the data processing node for the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC’s) airborne Earth Observation capability for over 15 years and is the processing power behind Ravensdown’s Pioneering to Precision Primary Growth Partnership Programme.