William Jay

William Jay

Geospatial Research Software Engineer

wja2025-01-19@pml.ac.uk    |     01751 633100 (switchboard)

William has worked at PML within the Digital Innovation and Marine Autonomy group since 2017. He works with various Earth Observation technologies to process data supporting a range of scientific applications.

William is a specialist in working with data collected by aircraft and works closely with the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory to produce high quality data allowing novel research. Within NEODAAS, he supports users of Earth Observation data from across the UK and contributes to running training courses.

William develops software to complete these specialist data processing tasks. He also has fieldwork experience and is a UAV pilot at PML.

Key Projects

NEODAAS: NERC Earth Observation and Data Acquisition and Analysis Service
NERC-ARF: NERC Airborne Research Facility
BETA: Benthic vegetation mapping in St John’s Lake