Science Group
We pioneer innovative research approaches that support the effective and sustainable management of marine and coastal systems and activities. This is designed to increase the benefits provided to society by the sea while conserving and enhancing the environment.
2025 – 2030 SaS Mission Statement
Investigate the interactions of human and marine systems through excellent research, providing robust evidence to improve outcomes for people and the environment
2025 – 2030 SaS Vision Statement
The ‘Sea and Society’ group is committed to supporting sustainable and responsible ocean stewardship, improving the understanding and relationships which people have with the marine and coastal environment.
We investigate and demonstrate the consequences of the interactions between humans and natural systems. This includes the full breadth of marine and coastal ecosystem services – including food provision, carbon sequestration, flood and coastal erosion risk management, marine renewable energy, recreation, tourism, psychological restoration and connection to nature. In turn, we inform and develop effective measures to improve the outcomes, impacts and benefits of these interactions.
The group itself is uniquely comprised of those with expertise in economics, psychology, and social and ecological science, allowing for transformative societally-orientated marine research which is undertaken at local, regional, national and international levels.
Our main goals are to:
FOCUS: Future States of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions
PELAgIO – Physics-to-Ecosystem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Windfarms
MOET – Managing the Environmental Sustainability of the Offshore Energy Transition
South West Partnership for Environment & Economic Prosperity (SWEEP)