Dr Liz Talbot

Dr Liz Talbot

Marine Ecologist

sat2024-09-09@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"Anthropogenic climate change is causing unprecedented change to ocean ecosystems. Working at PML allows me to engage in far-reaching, impactful, highly collaborative research that enables a deeper understanding of the marine environment and – ultimately – helps provide solutions to the unique challenges we face in the conservation and sustainable management of our oceans and seas. "

Liz is an early career researcher with the Marine Ecology and Biodiversity group at PML. She gained her PhD, which focussed on modelling the effects of climate stressors on crustacean energetics, from the University of Southampton in 2019. During her PhD, Liz had the opportunity to participate in a research cruise to the Barents Sea as part of the NERC Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor (ChAOS) project, and to spend time working in the Government Office for Science as part of the UKRI Policy Internships scheme.

Since joining PML, Liz has worked on several projects focussed on using biogeochemical and species distribution models to inform climate smart marine spatial planning in Europe, SE Asia and East Africa. She is also part of a team investigating the effects of artificial light at night on the behaviour and physiology of inter-tidal invertebrate species.