Dr Keila Guillen Oñate

Dr Keila Guillen Oñate

Environmental Economist

kgu2025-01-20@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Keila is an Environmental Economist who specializes in using economic valuation methods to evaluate the impact of managing coastal and marine ecosystems, as well as policy changes, on social welfare. Her research has made contributions to the literature on the economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem services in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the importance of ecosystem restoration for improving the well-being of local communities.

She is currently working on the AgZero+ interdisciplinary project, which aims to evaluate farming practices in the UK that will help achieve net zero goals. Her work involves studying the impact of these practices on coastal ecosystem services. Additionally, she is contributing to the co-design and implementation of green investment strategies to enhance the biodiversity and resilience of coastal ecosystems, as part of the Sea the Value project. Lastly, she is reviewing the current and potential supply of Blue Carbon Credits as part of the FOCUS project.

She has worked in Colombia and the UK.

Key Projects

Selected Publications

  • Gómez-Cardona, Camilo J, Contreras, Andrea, Guillen-Oñate, Keila, Maldonado, Carolina, & Bolaños, Jiner A. (2019). Ecotourism potential in the Boca de Guacamaya Natural Regional Park, Sucre, Colombia: a look from an ecosystem services perspective. El hornero, 34(1), 17-29. http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0073-34072019000100003
  • Rincón-Ruiz, A. Arias-Arévalo, P. Núñez, J.M. Cotler, H. Aguado, M. Meli, P. Tauro, A. Ávila-Akerberg, V. Avila-Foucat, S. Cardenas, J.P. Castillo, L. Castro, L. Cerón L. Contreras, A. Deschamps-Lomeli, J. Galeana-Pizaña, J.M. Guillén-Oñate, K. et al. (2019). Applying integrated valuation of ecosystem services in Latin America_ Insights from 21 case studies, Ecosystem Services. 36 p. 100901. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100901
  • Vivas-Aguas, J. L., M. Vargas-Morales, K. Guillen-Oñate, M. Villarraga y D. Sánchez. (2014). Coastal population vulnerability to organic and microbiological contamination in Buenaventura’s Port, Colombian Pacific Coast. INVEMAR General Publication N° 76, Santa Marta. 24 p. Available at: http://siam.invemar.org.co/documentos-detalle/158388.

Keila engaging with stakeholders at the Tamar Catchment Partnership meeting in June 2023