Louise McNeill

Louise McNeill

Benthic Ecologist and Faunal Taxonomist

clmc2024-09-10@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"…Benthic marine invertebrates, particularly the hugely diverse and beautiful polychaete worms have always fascinated me, and I feel privileged to be working towards developing holistic approaches to help protect and manage the marine environment whilst inspiring others along the way.” "

Louise is a benthic ecologist working within the Marine Ecology and Biodiversity group. Specific research interests include the functional diversity of marine benthic ecosystems focusing on macrofaunal invertebrates. Louise has 22 years’ experience in taxonomic identification of benthic macrofauna and has led manipulative mesocosm experiments addressing the effects of ocean acidification and global climate change. Louise also conducts monthly offshore field observations in the Plymouth Sound as part of the world leading “Western Channel Observatories Benthic Time Series”.

Key Projects

University of Exeter Marine Ecology Field Course