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Sea ice concentration found to impact the exchange of gases related to climate
22 February 2022
A new study has found that sea ice extent has a profound impact upon the concentration of reactive organic gases and their exchange between Arctic wat...
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Leading UK marine scientists welcome the move towards a global plastics pact ahead of UN meeting
22 February 2022
The resumed session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) - the world's highest-level decision-making body on the environment - is ...
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science
21 February 2022
International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11th February 2022) offers a chance for the scientific community to reflect on gender diversity in ST...
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Funding award will facilitate 'game-changing' advances in climate science at PML
12 January 2022
Support from the Wolfson Foundation will enable monitoring and improved understanding of air-sea gas exchange in unprecedented detail using autonomous...
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Night lights: New global atlas maps out artificial light at night under the sea
14 December 2021
As coastal areas become increasingly built up, concerns are growing about levels of artificial light at night (ALAN) and its potential impacts on the ...
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PML welcomes the enhanced role of Vietnam's Da Nang city in the sustainable development of the East Asian Seas region
2 December 2021
On 1 December 2021, Dr. Le Quang Nam - the Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Da Nang City - was elected to become the new President of the PE...
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Dr Shubha Sathyendranath receives A.G. Huntsman Award
30 November 2021
Dr Shubha Sathyendranath, PML Merit Remote Sensing Scientist, received the prestigious A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences durin...
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Multi-million pound initiative advances the sustainable management of UK’s marine resources
23 November 2021
In the wake of COP26, the South West is to play a lead role in a major new initiative aimed at sustainably managing the UK's coasts and seas.
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What next for the ocean? PML welcomes incorporation of the ocean into COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact
19 November 2021
Following more than a decade of hard work by many parties and stakeholders, including Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the ocean was incorporated int...
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PML scientists on Highly Cited Researchers 2021 List
17 November 2021
PML is proud to announce that two of our academics have been named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2021 list from Clarivate.
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Message from PML patron James Cameron
9 November 2021
James Cameron - filmmaker, ocean explorer and Plymouth Marine Laboratory patron - has a message about the importance of science-based solutions for a ...
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PML supporting largest ever survey of carbon stored in coastal seascapes
8 November 2021
Scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) are part of team of world-class ocean and blue carbon experts taking part of ambitious five-year glob...
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National Climate Science Partnership launched at COP26 to guide UK climate change policy
3 November 2021
Plymouth Marine Laboratory has joined forces with eight of the UK's leading scientific organisations to create the National Climate Science Partnershi...
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Study finds that climate change may make marine management initiatives unsustainable... but bright spots could help
2 November 2021
Researchers from six countries have investigated the impact of climate change on strategies designed to ensure the sustainable use of marine resources...
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Robots for a 'Resilient Ocean'
28 October 2021
The use of autonomous ocean-going vessels, SMART platforms and other maritime technologies are in focus as part of a short film from IMarEST and ITN P...
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Plymouth Marine Laboratory at COP26
27 October 2021

PML’s research and researchers played key roles at COP26 in Glasgow.

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Plymouth Marine Laboratory endorses the ‘Ocean For Climate Declaration’ ahead of COP26
25 October 2021
More than 90 organisations are supporting the call to scale-up ocean-based climate solutions and action. With just one week until the start of COP2...
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Satellites detecting oil slicks
20 October 2021
A PML project using satellite data to detect oil on the sea's surface has found significant oil spills occurring off the coast of West Africa.
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A.G. Huntsman Medal for Dr Shubha Sathyendranath
11 October 2021
The 2021 A.G. Huntsman Medal will be awarded to PML Merit Remote Sensing Scientist Dr Shubha Sathyendranath.