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Immersed in Change 2024

Friday 7 June 2024 - Saturday 8 June 2024

: San José, Costa Rica
This event has now ended and is archived

In advance of the Third UN Ocean Conference in June 2025 hosted by Costa Rica and France, the 'Immersed in Change 2024' high-level stakeholder meeting organised by the Government of Costa Rica will take place 7 & 8 June (San José, Costa Rica) to generate national, regional, and global solutions in an inclusive manner, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.

PML's Head of the International Office Professor Matt Frost will be taking part and moderate the side event 'Starting at the Source to Save the Ocean: Coordinated Action to Achieve SDG 14' taking place (8 June 2024, 09:30-10:30, Snapper Room). This side event is co-organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI, event lead), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management (S2S Platform).

The Immersed in Change 2024 meeting will serve as a platform for the exchange of best practices and successful experiences related to ocean governance and health. It aims to highlight topics of global significance on the ocean agenda and drive specific implementation actions to address the severe environmental crisis it faces.

Eight international panels will address:
  1. Fishing resources;
  2. The fight against ghost fishing gear;
  3. Blue economy;
  4. Satellite technology for ocean conservation and sustainable use;
  5. Promoting global access to ocean cleanup technologies;
  6. Scientific developments to address marine plastic pollution;
  7. Effective implementation of global agreements; and
  8. Mobilization of necessary and available resources and financial mechanisms for effective ocean health and governance.

Find out more about the Immersed in Change 2024 event >>