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Consortium submits plan to confirm South West’s status as a global leader in ocean technology innovation
17 September 2021

The Ocean Futures programme identifies key strengths in fields including marine autonomy, digital innovation and clean maritime.

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‘Environmental Impact of Ships’ book available to buy
16 September 2021
PML's former CEO working with PML scientists have published the fascinating book 'Environmental Impact of Ships', which is available to buy this Londo...
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Widespread phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean following Australian wildfires
15 September 2021
A team of international scientists have identified widespread phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean, from December 2019 to March 2020, following ...
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Survey launched to assess usage and needs of Earth Observation applications for cholera-risk
10 September 2021
Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the toxigenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
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Challenging autonomous gliders in the coastal seas
17 August 2021
An autonomous underwater glider was launched off the coast of Plymouth earlier this year, offering the opportunity to challenge methods of navigation ...
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Progress reported for MARLIN Star
13 August 2021
Further to the funding announcement in Summer 2020, the MARLIN Star project held its 5th progress meeting in the Marine Station (University of Plymout...
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PML authors contribute to crucial IPCC climate report
9 August 2021
A Plymouth Marine Laboratory researcher has contributed to the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),...
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Marine science on the ice
5 August 2021

Science on ice, helicopter training, and a polar bear encounter: all in a day’s work for a Marine Chemist in the Arctic.

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Study provides first holistic assessment of plastic pollution in the Caribbean
4 August 2021
The Caribbean is renowned globally for its stunning beaches and crystal clear ocean. However, its islands and the surrounding seas are being contamina...
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PML endorses UN vision towards achieving the ‘race to zero’ in ocean and coastal zones
28 July 2021
“It is 2050 and the Ocean is thriving and abundant ... activities have made a significant contribution to successfully addressing four global em...
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Climate-ready spatial management of UK marine habitats and resources
26 July 2021
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and partners have been successful in securing funding to help investigate how to safeguard the future of the marine a...
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New Chair appointed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory
14 July 2021
PML has announced the appointment of a new Chairperson. Janice Timberlake ' who has been a Trustee of the charity for the past nine years ' will succe...
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First-of-its-kind data buoy launched as part of multi-million pound Smart Sound fleet
5 July 2021
The culmination of two years detailed planning and development, a custom-built 8.5-metre-tall autonomous data buoy - featuring a set of onboard sensor...
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PML trials pioneering nature-based solution for the marine plastic crisis
5 July 2021
Scientists at Plymouth Marine Laboratory have launched a series of in-situ trials of a unique microplastic clean-up method using mussels as filtration...
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Understanding waves through satellite data
29 June 2021
A unique new study builds on understanding of how ocean waves behave in coastal areas, using data from satellite-based altimetry measurements.
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Using remote sensing technologies to understand the impact of ocean acidification on a remote Arctic
22 June 2021
In a new paper published in Frontiers in Marine Science, scientists call for increased consideration of ocean acidification to help inform future fish...
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Going viral: What happens to infected phytoplankton?
10 June 2021
Even phytoplankton, one of the ocean's smallest but most important groups of organisms, are susceptible to viruses. A new study takes an in-depth look...
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Marine Research Plymouth cements city’s reputation as the UK’s go-to location for marine science
8 June 2021
The city of Plymouth has seen its position as an international centre of excellence for marine research further enhanced after its three leading scien...
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New report highlights why the ocean matters in climate negotiations COP26 is underway
8 June 2021
On World Oceans Day, and ahead of the G7 later this week, leading UK experts shine a spotlight on the critical role the ocean plays in greatly slowing...