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Identifying plastic hotspots from space
25 April 2019
Scientists at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) are using Earth observation satellites to detect patches of marine debris, using a new method that may ...
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Satellite service re-commissioned
10 April 2019
This week the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) re-commissioned a Plymouth Marine Laboratory-led service, which provides processed and analy...
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Marine plastic has a cost to humans too
28 March 2019
Following hot on the heels of the recognition that plastics entering the ocean have an impact on its marine life, scientists have now revealed, for ...
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Massive biological shifts in the global ocean
25 February 2019
A new study shows how a warming ocean has led to unprecedented marine biological changes at the global level over the last decade, and that future cha...
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First UK-wide assessment of changes in plankton community
21 February 2019
Scientists have developed the methodology to complete the first ever assessment of how plankton communities are changing in coastal waters and shelf s...
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Krill and carbon
21 February 2019
Large krill swarms in the Southern Ocean could help remove additional carbon from the atmosphere, in a way that is currently 'hidden' in global models...
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PODCAST project seeks solution for cholera outbreaks
13 February 2019
A new project, Pathways Of Dispersal for Cholera And Solution Tools (PODCAST) will investigate the sources and transmission routes of microbial pollut...
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Event shows how £6.4m project can have positive impact for Plymouth businesses
8 February 2019
Business leaders from across Plymouth have been finding out how the region's environmental and technological expertise can benefit them.
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PML scientist highlights marine stewardship in government report
6 February 2019
This week the Natural Capital Committee (NCC), an independent body that advises the Government on how to develop and deliver its 25 Year Environment P...
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Plastic in Britain's seals, dolphins and whales
31 January 2019

​Microplastics have been found in the guts of every marine mammal examined in a new study of animals washed up on Britain’s shores.

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PML and Exeter look forward to a sustainable future
29 January 2019
Building on years of collaboration, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the University of Exeter (UoE) are delighted to announce a renewed, reinvigor...
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£20 million to tackle nitrogen pollution
22 January 2019
The UK Government today (January 22) announces its commitment to fund a major international research programme to tackle the challenge that nitrogen p...
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Antarctic krill population contracts southward as polar oceans warm
21 January 2019
The population of Antarctic krill, the favourite food of many whales, penguins, fish and seals, shifted southward during a recent period of warming in...
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Success for PML with Athena SWAN award
5 August 2018
We are delighted to announce that PML has successfully achieved Bronze level Athena SWAN accreditation. 
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Explorer and Film-maker James Cameron to be first patron of PML
8 June 2016
PML is thrilled to announce that James Cameron, world renowned explorer, environmentalist and film-maker, has joined PML as its first patron.
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How eddies enhance the absorption of carbon: a South Atlantic Ocean study
1 January 0001
An oceanic phenomena: investigating the effects of ‘mesoscale eddies’ on the air-sea CO2 sink in the South Atlantic Ocean
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Ocean Hackathon: Plank-tonnes of fun; gamifying plankton data to increase ocean literacy
1 January 0001

Plank-tonnes of fun; gamifying plankton data to increase ocean literacy in non-scientific communities