‘Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans’ Symposium

Monday 17 April 2023 - Friday 21 April 2023

Location: Bergen, Norway
This event has now ended and is archived

Plymouth Marine Laboratory will be attending the 5th ‘Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans’ (ECCWO5) Symposium, held from 17th – 21st April 2023, in Bergen, Norway.

ECCWO5 will host events on a diverse and exciting range of topics and disciplines within and across the natural and social sciences that can potentially contribute to; the Seventh Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR7), the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, implementation of actions identified in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the goals and climate negotiations in COP27.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory are proud to be contributing, with Dr Ana M Queiros and Director of Science Professor Steve Widdicombe both hosting sessions on the following:

  • Session 1: Marine spatial management supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation. PML’s Ana Queiros is co-chair. Our guest speakers are Prof William Cheung (Director, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries at University of British Columbia, Canada Research Chair in Ocean Sustainability and Global Change) and Lodewijk Abspoel (Senior policy officer for European Integrated Maritime Policy and North Sea, Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water management | Directorate Water quality, Soil and Marine affairs)
  • Session 7: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation – From Planning to Practice. PML’s Ana Queiros is co-chair. Guest speakers TBC (linked to our FutureMARES project)

The sessions are now open for submission of abstracts, and ECCWO5 have said the following for those interested in contributing:

"We welcome you to be part of this exciting opportunity and to help lead these discussions. Your input will be critical to the success of this important forum and we invite you to contribute to the development of the program.

We are now seeking expressions of interest to convene theme sessions, workshops and other events. We encourage innovative thinking and alternatives to the normal conference formats, as well as diverse participation from all disciplines and sectors. We especially welcome proposals from early-career ocean professionals."

Submit your proposals here >>

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