G7 FSOI – GOOS workshop: Towards a global marine plankton observing network

Monday 25 September 2023 - Tuesday 26 September 2023

Location: Paris, France
This event has now ended and is archived

G7 FSOI – GOOS workshop: “Towards a global marine plankton observing network: development of a strategy and implementation plan.”

September 25-26, 2023, Paris, France

Dr Shubha Sathyendranath will take part and provide a presentation in this by invitation only workshop. The G7 Future of the Seas & Oceans Initiative (FSOI) working group serves as an interface between scientists and policymakers/program managers and aims to identify and propose tangible actions toward sustainable ocean observations. The G7 FSOI group has a strong interest in the full range of marine life issues but believes that the best way forward is for the scientific community to map the state of the art, gaps, limitations, data needs, and top priorities for major groups (e.g., plankton, fish, reefs, mammals). Plankton is an essential variable and climate indicator, regulates marine life, and controls ecosystems services with high socio-economic interest. It has global and local interest, from coast to the open ocean and deep sea, and from pole to pole. Plankton also represents the bio-carbon concentration in Earth System models that the IPCC uses for future scenarios and policy advice. While the role of plankton in essential ecosystem processes is still not well understood, observing plankton programs are declining and most of the plankton historical data are not accessible or in a format not useful for. This workshop aims to gather experts to provide actions to advance the state-of-the-art and develop the strategy and implementation plan that will secure data infrastructures with FAIR principles, observing programs to fill knowledge gaps and cover the forecasting needs for trustworthy projections for policy advice.

The G7 FSOI initiative offers a mechanism to address the challenge of strengthening and sustaining ocean observations through the coordinated actions of the 7 leading nations in ocean observing plus the EU, who together fund more than half of global ocean observations. The G7 members have emphasised the importance of focusing the G7 initiative on issues at the nexus of science and governance that address global ocean observations, working with the U.N.-sponsored Global Ocean Observing System to pilot efforts in areas where the FSOI can add unique value.

For more information visit https://www.g7fsoi.org/

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