Horizon Europe Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 – Community Building Event

Friday 10 March 2023

Location: Online
This event has now ended and is archived

Our Chief Executive Professor Icarus Allen will be speaking at the ‘Horizon Europe Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 – Community Building Event’

Professor Allen will be joining the panel discussion ‘How should the UK continue to contribute to the EU ocean and freshwater research’ at 10.30am.

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We will hear about the European research landscape and discuss the research themes covered by the Horizon Europe “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030′ Mission. We will explore how the UK can continue to contribute to European research with a view to supporting collaborations for current and future Mission calls.

Please note: This event is not an information dissemination event, but will focus on the sharing of project ideas and brokering partnerships for European Research and Innovation collaborations and networking. If you still need support with understanding the Clusters, Work Programmes and scope of call topics, please watch the recordings from our previous Horizon Europe Cluster Events series. The NCP Team and Innovate UK KTN are available to answer your questions and arrange a call separately.

Who can Attend?

This online event is open for UK and European organisations with an interest in collaborating in Horizon Europe Research and Innovation projects in Oceans and Waters research.

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