Marine Research Plymouth: ECR Launch Event

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Location: Marine Biological Association
This event has now ended and is archived

Marine Research Plymouth is a shared vision to harness the expertise of the UK’s largest cluster of marine science researchers and cutting-edge facilities, combining the internationally-renowned marine science capabilities of the Marine Biological Association (MBA), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the University of Plymouth (UoP).

If you are an early career researcher (ECR) working in “marine’ at one of these institutions, we invite you to attend our MRP ECR launch event which will take place on Weds 15th March 2023 at the Marine Biological Association, 15:30 – 17:00.

Please arrive outside the MBA between 15:15 and 15:30 where you will be met by a member of the committee to be signed in. The event will be held in the MBA common room and aims to provide an opportunity for ECRs to form inter-institutional connections, in addition to facilitating an open dialogue into the benefits of an MRP ECR research group and how these benefits can be attained moving forward (e.g., peer advice and exchange on career development, funding opportunities/applications and development of research collaborations). Whilst we are not stipulating conditions on who is an ECR for this network, given the focus of discussions, it is likely most relevant for second year PhD students and beyond.

Book your free place here >>

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