Marine Research Plymouth Research Dialogue #7 “Science in the Sound”

Wednesday 6 November 2024

Location: University of Plymouth
This event has now ended and is archived

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 12:00 noon on Wednesday 7th October 2024.

This dialogue will cover the breadth of our research that is of relevance to Plymouth Sound. This could range from the local relevance of global phenomena to endemic species; from biodiversity to pollution, or relate to geology, history, economy or society, etc.

This research dialogue is open to all researchers in Plymouth that are engaged in relevant research to the theme. We also encourage researchers to attend who would like to know more about this topic and how it might connect with their own research. We hope that this dialogue will raise awareness of Plymouth marine scientists’ work and facilitate new synergies between researchers.

The purpose of the Plymouth Research Dialogues is to build a culture of communication and collaboration across our marine research community, creating a more exciting and effective academic environment within which we can conduct our research. Ultimately leading tangible benefits of new collaborative projects, studentships, and publications. The Research Dialogue will include presentations (10 minutes each) showcasing the work of various groups, or individuals, that are relevant to this topic. The talks will be followed by an opportunity for extended informal discussions over wine and nibbles.

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When: Wednesday 6th November 2024 from 13:00–17:00 at University of Plymouth (room TBC)

We invite researchers to submit proposals for presentations in the form of a title and a short abstract (up to 250 words). We seek presentations that contain each of the following elements: i) a description of current activity and how it relates to the topic, ii) a vision of where this topic should look to develop in the future, and iii) what collaborations and partnerships you would like to develop to help you deliver this vision. Please refer to these three elements in your abstract. Submit your title and abstract to by 12:00 noon on Wednesday 7th October 2024.

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