Protecting Our Planet Day (POP) 2024

Tuesday 12 November 2024

Location: Online
This event has now ended and is archived
Planet Earth from Space

POP24, the inspiring live-streamed event for schools full of sessions from passionate people working to protect our planet, is brought to you by ESERO-UK at STEM Learning in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency.

Looking for an inspiring way to engage students in environmental science and space exploration? Don’t miss Protecting Our Planet Day 24 (POP24), a live-streamed event hosted by the UK Space Education Office (ESERO-UK) at STEM Learning, in partnership with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency.

POP24 brings together experts and researchers dedicated to protecting Earth, with a unique focus on the role of space in environmental preservation. Streamed directly into classrooms, this event is a fantastic opportunity for schools to explore cutting-edge science and learn how space technology helps safeguard our planet.

Join our Plymouth Marine Laboratory experts in the Protecting the Ocean Session (10.40-11.20; see: where they will dive into the incredible science behind protecting the ocean – from satellites to seagrass, from researchers to restoration – and you can discover why Ocean Colour really matters.

Mark your calendars and join this educational journey! πŸŒπŸš€

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