Seminar: From Blue Natural Capital to Blue Finance: Innovative finance for ocean governance

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Location: Microsoft Teams
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Speaker: Torsten Thiele
Date: Wednesday 26th April
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Location: Online – Microsoft Teams

Putting in place robust ocean governance science and ecosystem-based management approaches requires both a solid economic narrative and substantive funding. This seminar will explore innovative finance as an emerging narrative to achieve this transition to marine conservation and sustainable development. It will draw on experience in multiple policy contexts, including the efforts to include ocean finance in the UNFCCC climate and CBD biodiversity negotiations as well as at the International Seabed Authority and for the UN discussions on a new Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction. Blue natural capital will be discussed as a concept for economic valuation. Public-private partnership approaches and other pathways for scaling blue finance will also be considered.

Torsten Thiele is an Affiliate Scholar at the Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS) , Germany, with a focus on ocean governance and finance, drawing on over 20 years’ experience in project and infrastructure finance with leading financial institutions. He is Founder of Global Ocean Trust, advises international bodies on ocean governance and policy, marine biodiversity and innovative blue finance and is a frequent conference speaker on ocean solutions. Recent publications address coastal infrastructure finance, nature-based solutions and innovative ocean funding mechanisms. Torsten holds graduate degrees from the universities of Cambridge, Bonn and Harvard. He has recently been appointed as a PML Honorary Fellow.

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