United Nations World Oceans Day celebration in Greenwich Park

Saturday 8 June 2024

Location: Greenwich Park, London
This event has now ended and is archived

Eden Oldfield will be representing PML and PML Applications’ work at the United Nations World Oceans Day celebration in Greenwich park, sharing exciting marine science suited for all ages, with a focus on zooplankton and our Automated, in situ Plankton Imaging and Classification System (APICS) project.

Event description:

‘Royal Museums Greenwich (RMG) is teaming up with Royal Parks for a celebration of World Oceans Day taking place across Greenwich Park on 8 June 2024. Visitors can follow a trail across the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Park and the Royal Observatory Greenwich to discover a range of activities for all ages.

The National Maritime Museum is home to hundreds of years of seafaring history, from the vast Pacific to the icy Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. This World Oceans Day event will offer visitors a chance to dive into the past, present, and future of our blue planet.

Activities on the day will revolve around UNESCO’s seven principles of ocean literacy, including the notion that the ocean makes Earth habitable. Therefore, the partnership with Royal Parks will allow RMG to explore how marine environmental issues are linked to the land, and the importance of green spaces in tackling the climate crisis.’
[Source: Royal Museums Greenwich website]

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