
PML Welcomes New Honorary Fellow Torsten Thiele

02 May 2023

Internationally-renowned expert on blue finance and ocean governance

Plymouth coast

Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) recently hosted a visit from ocean governance and finance expert Torsten Thiele who has joined PML as an honorary fellow.

Founder of the Global Ocean Trust and an Affiliate Scholar at the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) Helmholtz Centre Potsdam in Germany, Torsten has over 20 years’ experience in project and infrastructure finance with leading financial institutions. He is an advisor to international bodies on ocean governance and policy, marine biodiversity and innovative blue finance, and a frequent conference speaker on ocean solutions with recent publications addressing coastal infrastructure finance, nature-based solutions and innovative ocean funding mechanisms.

Torsten brings a wealth of experience from multiple aspects of the science-policy interface, including efforts to include ocean finance in the UNFCCC climate and CBD biodiversity negotiations as well as at the International Seabed Authority and for his role in UN discussions on a new Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction.


During his visit to Plymouth, Torsten met with a number of PML’s science staff, and gave a seminar titled: “From Blue Natural Capital to Blue Finance: Innovative finance for ocean governance”, during which he stressed the importance of improved common frameworks and new pathways for sustainable investment supported by increased ocean data and knowledge.

“I’m delighted to have joined PML as an honorary fellow and very pleased to have had the opportunity to discuss aspects of blue finance and the blue economy with colleagues here today,” said Torsten. “It is great to see the work that is being done at PML and particularly the integration of natural and social sciences as we look towards creating more sustainable, more resilient, and indeed more investable future for our Ocean and planet.”

PML Chief Executive Icarus Allen added:

“Torsten brings invaluable experience and insight. We are incredibly pleased to have him as an honorary fellow at PML and looking forward to further discourse around the complexities, challenges and future opportunities that exist in terms of blue finance and the ocean economy.”


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