Dr Rebecca Millard

Dr Rebecca Millard

Digital Marine Biologist (Bioinformatician)

bmi2024-09-20@pml.ac.uk    |    

Becca is a digital marine biologist within the Marine Ecology and Biodiversity group. She has broad expertise in bioinformatics and is passionate about the application of high throughout sequencing to understand marine ecosystems and how these are affected by stressors such as pathogens, pollutants and climate change.

Becca completed her PhD in bioinformatics in 2020 where she applied high throughput sequencing to study the transcriptomic responses of susceptible and resistant crustaceans to White Spot Syndrome Virus challenge. She is knowledgeable in all aspect of sequencing experimental design from nucleotide extraction to analysis.

Prior to joining PML in 2023, she held positions as a Senior Bioinformatician at Sanquin in The Netherlands, as a Data Analyst, and as Team Leader for the Epidemiology and Risk Modelling group at Cefas.

Selected Publications