Dr Benjamin O'Driscoll

Dr Benjamin O'Driscoll

Data Visualisation and GIS Developer

bod2025-01-14@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Ben joined PML in April 2022 shortly after completing his PhD in Graphene Biosensing from the University of Plymouth. Throughout his studies, Ben developed a passion for the automated processing, analysis and visualisation of data, skills that he has continued to develop in his current role at PML within the Digital Innovation and Marine Autonomy (DIMA) group.

Ben is a trained physicist, studying Physics (BSc) at the University of Warwick between 2010-2013. After his undergraduate degree, Ben worked in marine sensing and analysis where he embraced all things data. In his current role, Ben enjoys the challenge of handling vast collections of data, producing useful data insights and presenting these in a user-friendly manner.