Dr Graham Quartly

Dr Graham Quartly

Physical oceanographer (Remote sensing)

gqu2024-09-12@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"I’m still amazed at how accurately we can monitor the sea surface from 800 km above. "

Dr Quartly has a Ph.D. in underwater acoustic from the University of Bath, and has now spent more than 30 years looking at satellite remote-sensing of the ocean He has combined this with analysis of model output, and observations from ships and buoys/drifters. He has led 4 hydrographic cruises and instigated 2 projects for technology development. He has occasionally lectured on altimetry and has supervised 25 MSc or PhD students.

He is very active in satellite altimetry research, and has recently edited a special issue of Remote Sensing on altimetric calibration. He still retains a strong interest in the Greater Agulhas Current system, and also in rainfall at sea.

Away from work, his time is spent hill walking, gardening and Scottish country dancing!

Selected Publications

  • Ardhuin, F., J.E. Stopa, B. Chapron, F. Collard, R.E. Jensen, J. Johannessen,, R. Husson, A. Mouche, M. Passaro, G.D Quartly, V. Swail,, and I. Young, 2019. Observing sea states, accepted by Frontiers in Marine Science, special issue for OceanObs19 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00124
  • Legeais, J.-F., M. Ablain, L. Zawadzki, H. Zuo, J.A. Johannessen, M.G. Scharffenberg, L. Fenoglio-Marc, M.J. Fernandes, O.B. Andersen, S. Rudenko, P. Cipollini, G.D. Quartly, M. Passaro, A. Cazenave, J. Benveniste, 2018. An improved and homogeneous altimeter sea level record: from the ESA Climate Change Initiative. Earth Sys. Sci. Data 10, 281-301. doi: 10.5194/essd-10-281-2018
  • Nencioli, F. & G.D. Quartly, 2019. Evaluation of Sentinel-3A wave height observations near the coast of Southwest England, Remote Sensing. 2019, 11(24), 2998 (20pp.) doi: 10.3390/rs11242998
  • Quartly G.D., J.-F. Legeais, M. Ablain, L. Zawadzki, M.J. Fernandes, S. Rudenko, L. Carrère, P.N. García, P, Cipollini, O.B. Andersen, J.-C. Poisson, S. Mbajon Njiche, A. Cazenave, J. Benveniste, 2017. A new phase in the production of quality-controlled sea level data, Earth Sys. Sci. Data 9, 557-572. doi: 10.5194/essd-9-557-2017
  • Quartly, G.D., et al., 2019. Retrieving sea level and freeboard in the Arctic: A review of current radar altimetry methodologies and future perspectives Remote Sensing, 2009, 11, 881 (47pp.) doi: 10.3390/rs11070881
  • Warren, M.A., G.D. Quartly, J.D. Shutler, P.I. Miller, Y. Yoshikawa. 2016. Estimation of ocean surface currents from Maximum Cross Correlation applied to GOCI geostationary satellite data over the Tsushima (Korea) Straits. J. Geophys. Res..121 (9), 6993-7009. doi: 10.1002/2016JC011814