Dr Juliane Wihsgott

Dr Juliane Wihsgott

Digital Oceanographer

jwi2024-09-09@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Juliane’s background is in observational, physical oceanography and biophysical interactions. This has encompassed research over broad spatial and temporal scales: from tidal processes in shallow, coastal water, seasonal cycles of shelf seas, ocean-shelf exchange, and open ocean settings at tropical, temperate and polar latitudes.

Her main research objective is to better understand physical and biogeochemical pathways and interactions and their role in a changing climate. Juliane is particularly interested in better understanding ocean mixing processes and atmosphere-ocean interactions and what their impact is on the seasonal to multi-annual variability of biophysical interactions in shelf and open ocean settings.

Juliane is an experienced user of marine autonomous vehicles including Argo, AUVs and ocean gliders.

Key Projects

2022-2025: Researcher co-I within ECOWind funded PELAgIO – Physics to Ecosystem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms project, NERC-TCE


2013-2017: Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry (SSB) – CANDYFLOSS, NERC-Defra

Selected Publications