Dr Lee de Mora

Dr Lee de Mora

Marine Ecosystem Modeller

ledm2025-01-14@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"The global ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface, generates half the oxygen we breathe, and absorbs a quarter of the carbon we emit. Building a better understanding of how the ocean is expected to change in the coming century is both immensely challenging and the utmost importance. "

Dr de Mora is a marine ecosystem modeller with an focus on the development, operational monitoring and scientific evaluation and of global scale models of the Earth System.

In the UKESM project, Lee led the operational evaluation of the marine component of the model using the bespoke software toolkit, BGC-val. This work centered on the monitoring of on-going Earth System model simulations, allowing UKESM developers to rapidly access tuning decisions and actively improve model performance.

As a member of the Earth System model Evaluation Toolkit (ESMValTool) Scientific lead development and user engagement teams, Lee has helped guide both the development of the ESMValTool & ESMValCore software and the associated tutorial and training documentation.

Dr de Mora is a contributing author of the upcoming Sixth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report, Working Group1 – chapter 3 on the Human influence on the climate system.

In the iMarNet project, Lee produced one of the first global scale NEMO-ERSEM marine physics and biogeochemistry coupled simulations, which was subsequently evaluated using a novel emergent properties methodology.

In his time at PML, Lee has also contributed to a range of shorter projects. He created and published a series of public facing musical pieces using data from the UKESM model to highlight the methodology and results of UK’s first Earth System Model. He contributed to the development and deployment of surfers as a data collection system. He analysed of the potential impact of leaks in carbon capture and storage sites in the North Sea.

Before joining PML, Lee received a PhD from University of Lancaster in Particle physics, where he worked on b-hadrons lifetime measurements with the ATLAS collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. Outside of work, Lee has an interest in music, luthiery, snowboarding, surfing, hiking, travelling and sustainability.

Key Projects

Selected Publications