I came to PML as a PhD student in 1995 and have since built a successful career in government science. I am currently a Science Director at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. My career has been motivated by the commitment to generate, use and communicate scientific evidence to enhance the environment for future generations, and I work with national and international stakeholders representing Arms-Length-Bodies, academia, NGOs and industry to inform influential advice to ministers.
I became a Trustee of PML in 2024, bringing with me over 20 years post-doctoral experience in marine ecology and extensive expertise in interdisciplinary research, scientific writing and mentoring. I am a scientific advisor to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) on marine protection, an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of East Anglia and a member of the ICES Working Group on Biodiversity Science. I currently serve on Defra’s Steering Committee for Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), Defra’s Ocean Sustainability Portfolio Board and the Stakeholder Advisory Board of the School for Ocean and Earth Science (University of Southampton).