Dr Peter Land

Dr Peter Land

Remote Sensing Scientist

peland2025-01-19@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"Though trained as a physicist, I have an engineer’s love of tinkering with things, usually algorithms that I hope will unlock secrets hidden in the satellite data I mostly work with. I love working on environmental problems and creating new tools that aim to make a global and long-lasting contribution to our understanding of our precious and fragile world and the effect we have on it. "

Peter studied physics at Oxford before working on satellite data at the Met Office then pursuing a PhD in planetary physics at Imperial College, London and starting work on satellite ocean colour at Imperial and then Stockholm University before coming to PML in 2000. Since then his work has diversified to include ocean acidification and air-sea flux work as well as continued work on ocean colour, with a particular interest in uncertainty analysis and reduction. He also has experience of field measurements, laboratory analysis and instrument design.

Key Projects