Dr Peter Miller

Dr Peter Miller

Marine Earth Observation Scientist

pim2024-09-18@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)
"I am motivated by the challenge of applying my innovations to achieve impact in conservation and industry, and particularly enjoy this when my work crosses disciplines, for example physical oceanography, computer vision and marine ecology. I am proud that my research on ocean fronts has informed the designation of several marine protected areas around the UK and beyond, and that our satellite algorithms help to warn salmon farmers about harmful algal blooms. "

Peter has over 25 years’ experience and 90 published papers (H-index of 32) in developing innovations for automated analysis of sea-surface biological and physical processes using satellite data. He leads research on ocean fronts, their impact upon animal behaviour and potential modulation by climate change. His harmful algal bloom (HAB) detection research has been tested in many European and UK funded projects for monitoring water quality for protecting aquaculture and human health. He generates impact in policy implementation, conservation and the aquaculture industry, with a focus on international collaboration and commercialisation. Peter draws upon his background in computer science and PhD in medical image analysis.

Key Projects

Selected Publications