Dr Sevrine Sailley

Dr Sevrine Sailley

Ecosystem modeller

sesa2025-01-20@pml.ac.uk    |    

Sevrine’s PhD (2005-2009) focused on microzooplankton grazing and growth rate, as well as their representation in a global ecosystem model (PlankTOM 5 from UEA). The PhD was hosted by both the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI, Germany) as well as University of East Anglia (UEA, UK). She then went on to do a Post-doc (2009-2013) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI, USA), where she worked within the Palmer LTER program looking at long trends in the Southern Ocean food web, using Palmer time-series and inverse model technique. She also compared the representation of zooplankton in global ecosystem model and how it directs the type of ecosystem behaviour that said model develop (MAREMIP).

As part of the PML modelling group (2013-present) Sevrine is focusing on representation of zooplankton in ecosystem model, more particularly feeding behaviors and/or specialised diet that can characterise the niche of a zooplankton and its impact on the biogeochemical cycle. This is done by working closely with experimentalist to maintain the realism of the modelled zooplankton. She is also maintaining a keen interest in polar science and food web dynamics.

Selected Publications

  • Ducklow H., Doney S., Sailley S., 2015, Ecological controls on biogeochemical fluxes in the western Antarctic Peninsula studied with an inverse food web model. Advances in Polar Science: 26(2): 122-139
  • Sailley et al., 2015, Impact of Zooplankton food selectivity on plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling. Journal Plankotn Research doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv020
  • Polimene L., Mitra A., Sailley S., et al., 2015, Decrease in diatom palatability contributes to bloom formation in the Western English Channel, Progress in Oceanography
  • D A Siegel, K O Buesseler, S C Doney, S F Sailley, M J Behrenfeld, and P W Boyd. Global assessment of ocean carbon export by combining satellite observations and food-web models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 03/2014; 28(3).
  • Ducklow, H.W., W.R. Fraser, M.P. Meredith, S.E. Stammerjohn, S.C. Doney, D.G. Martinson, S.F. Sailley, O.M. Schofield, D.K. Steinberg, H.J. Venables, and C.D. Amsler. 2013. West Antarctic Peninsula: An ice-dependent coastal marine ecosystem in transition. Oceanography 26(3):190–203 T.
  • Hashioka, M. Vogt, Y. Yamanaka, C. Le Quéré, M. Noguchi Aita, Séverine Alvain, L. Bopp, T. Hirata, I. Lima, S. Sailley, and S. C Doney, 2013, Phytoplankton competition during the spring bloom in four Plankton Functional Type Models. Biogeosciences 11/2013; 10(11):6833-6850.
  • M Vogt, T Hashioka, M R Payne, E. T. Buitenhuis, C. Le Quéré, S. Alvain, M. N. Aita, L. Bopp, S. C. Doney, T. Hirata, I. Lima, S. Sailley, and Y. Yamanaka, 2013, The distribution, dominance patterns and ecological niches of plankton functional types in Dynamic Green Ocean Models and satellite estimates . Biogeosciences Discussions 01/2013; 10(10):17193-17247
  • Doney S., Sailley S., 2013, When an ecological regime shift is really just stochastic noise. PNAS, 110(7): 2438-2439 Sailley et al., 2013, Carbon fluxes and pelagic ecosystem dynamics near two western Antarctic Peninsula Adélie penguin colonies: an inverse model approach. MEPS 492:253-272
  • Sailley et al., 2013, Comparing Food web structures and dynamics across a suite of global marine ecosystem models. Ecological modelling 261-262: 43-57
  • Buitenhuis E.T., Rivkin R., Sailley S., and Le Quere C. , 2009, Global biogeochemical fluxes through microzooplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles doi:10.1029/2009GB003601.