Dr Tom Vance

Dr Tom Vance

Chief Operating Officer - PML Applications Ltd

thva2025-02-11@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Dr Tom Vance is a marine ecologist who specialises in marine fouling community ecology and biofouling control. Tom has experience of designing, conducting and interpreting field and laboratory based experiments on marine invertebrate and algal assemblages, both in the U.K and internationally. He is the Co-chair of the Biofouling Management Expert Group of IMarEST and the representative for Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) with the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Project (PML is a strategic partner).

Tom’s role at PML Applications Ltd is Centre Manager for the Centre for Marine Biofouling and Corrosion, and Business Development Manager for the Centre for Environmental Solutions.

Tom’s practical experience and research interests include diving surveys, field based manipulative experimentation, marine invertebrate taxonomy, advanced image analysis, physiological assessments of fouling species, molecular analysis of biofilms together with multivariate statistics and reporting.

Tom has productive commercial links across a wide range of marine industries, with particular emphasis on the antifouling, shipping and marine renewable energy sectors.