James Lord

James Lord

Head of Fundraising

jal2025-01-20@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

James is our Head of Fundraising, responsible for developing projects and raising funds from philanthropic trusts and foundations.

James has an academic training in environmental science (see below) and seven years’ experience developing and implementing projects in marine and coastal management with NGOs in the developing world. Highlights include securing a €1 million grant from the European Commission for a project to implement Managed Access fisheries management across the territorial waters of Belize, and implementing grey and green engineering solutions to rehabilitate coastal ecosystems in Ashton Lagoon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

James is a member of the UK Institute of Fundraising and the Conservation Finance Alliance, and has written several policy briefs and plans related to financing of marine protected areas and environmental NGOs.

BSc. (Hons) Class I: Environmental Science. University of East Anglia (1999-2002).
MRes. (distinction): Plant Biotechnology. Imperial College London (2005-2006).
PhD: Plant Pathology. University of Leeds (2007-2010).