Kathy Impey

Kathy Impey

Development Officer - Fundraising

kim2025-01-20@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Kathy is one of PML’s fundraisers, working alongside James Lord and Lesley Nel in building relationships with and securing funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations.

Kathy completed her academic studies and early career in New Zealand, working for the Department of Conservation and completing a Masters in International Development Studies. She then moved overseas, working and volunteering on a range of international development/charitable sector projects in South Africa, Brazil, and the South of India, before settling in the UK.

In Plymouth, Kathy has over 10 years’ experience in local community and charity work. This has included leading community capacity building projects, frontline youth work, and case work.

Most recently she was the Partnerships and Funding Coordinator of a very small sailing charity which was facing a deeply uncertain future due to lack of funds. In two years Kathy was successful in establishing new funding streams (some of them multi-year) and rebuilding relationships with funders, whilst broadening and strengthening a network of national and local partners and supporters, which ultimately put the charity in a secure and positive position to look to the future.

Selected Publications

  • K Impey, J Overton, Developing partnerships: the assertion of local control of international development volunteers in South Africa, Community Development Journal, Volume 49, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 111– 128