Lesley Nel

Lesley Nel


lne2025-02-18@pml.ac.uk    |    
"I’m passionate about the natural world and how valuable it is to everything that depends on it. It’s wonderful working at PML where everybody is passionate about their areas of work. I’m proud that my role here helps our scientists to gain greater understanding and test solutions for climate change. "

Lesley is one of PML’s fundraisers, working alongside James Lord in building relationships with and securing funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations.

Lesley has an academic background in environmental science, and has over 25 years’ experience in social and economic regeneration. Her career has spanned project development to delivery, working for a wide range of environmental organisations from Wildlife Trusts, Groundwork, local authorities and city farms, and community empowerment in social housing. Almost all her roles have included facilitating stakeholders, building strategic relationships, and procurement of strategic funding to deliver change, as well as other grants for capital and revenue projects. Highlights include delivering a £1.2m cultural regeneration CABE Sea Change programme in Weston-super-Mare; building a strong partnership and securing funding to link the Northwich Community Woodlands as part of the Mersey Forest, and delivering the Community Plan for Launceston, Cornwall.

Lesley has lived and worked in the west of England for the last 20 years, is passionate about the countryside around us, particularly the coasts, rivers and moors of Devon, and is a regular sea swimmer in south Devon.


B.Sc. Environmental Science Manchester Metropolitan University (1996)