Dr Molly James

Dr Molly James

Marine Ecosystems Modeller

moja2025-01-14@pml.ac.uk    |     +44 (0)1752 633100 (switchboard)

Dr Molly James joined the Marine Ecosystem Modelling Group at PML in October 2020. She has a degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography and a PhD in Marine Sciences, both awarded by Plymouth University. Her research focussed on incorporating larval behaviours in biophysical models of larval transport that best reflect in-situ observations of vertical distribution patterns. During her PhD she developed novel methods of parameterising behaviour in Lagrangian particle trackers, based on a “pattern-matching’ approach as opposed to lab-based observations of larval swimming.

Molly’s research interests span a range of topics, including marine ecology, spatial connectivity, species distributions, and small-scale bio-physical interactions. At PML, Molly is currently working with FVCOM and the particle tracking model PyLag to explore both larval dispersal and pollutant pathways in various locations.

Selected Publications