Professor Matthew Palmer

Professor Matthew Palmer

Head of Science - Digital Innovation & Marine Autonomy    |    
"I love the challenge presented by the current revolution in autonomy and digital sciences. PML provides me with an ideal environment of research and technology excellence that enables me and others to use the latest tools to drive new advances in marine research and to help find reduced carbon solutions to maximising our scientific impact. "

Matthew is the Head of Science for Digital Innovation & Marine Autonomy, responsible for developing their digital science portfolio, and providing science leadership for marine autonomy. He joined PML in 2022 following 15 years at the UK National Oceanography Centre, where he was Chief Scientist of Marine Autonomous & Robotic Systems.

Matthew’s science career has focused on better understanding of coastal and shelf sea systems, with a particular focus on the impacts of mixing on physical, chemical and biological processes and pathways. He has led and participated in numerous National and International projects including as programme coordinator and PI for the decade-long sustained observing programme the Liverpool Bay Coastal Observatory.

Matthew’s interest and expertise in ocean observing and technology focus has led to numerous advisory roles including as Chair of the UK Integrated Marine Observing Network (UK-IMON) and he actively engages in National and International coordination efforts related to marine autonomy and digital science.

Key Projects

  • 2022-2025 co-PI Physics-to-Ecosystem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms (PELAgIO) NERC-TCE
  • 2020-24 co-PI, GROOMII Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation. EU H2020
  • 2019-22 co-PI, BLUE Bayesian Localisation in the Underwater Environment. UDRC
  • 2019-22 co-I HECLA. DSTL Progeny Task 39
  • 2018-21 co-I, CAMPUS. NERC-DEFRA-WWF
  • 2018-21 co-PI, EU Marine Robots. EU H2020
  • 2017-20 Lead PI, AlterEco. NERC-DEFRA-WWF
  • 2017-21 Workpackage leader. SOLSTICE-WIO GCRF
  • 2015-19 co-I & Task Leader (4.2), AtlantOS. EU H2020

Selected Publications