Stephanie Day

Stephanie Day

PhD Student    |    
"I enjoy applying my interdisciplinary knowledge to address pressing environmental challenges. "

Stephanie is a researcher specialising in how organic nutrients sustain shelf sea productivity. Her research aims to characterise dissolved organic nutrient pools and examine how these are used by coastal phytoplankton communities. To investigate these aims, she will collect and analyse field samples using analytical chemistry techniques and microbiological experiments. These methods will contribute towards unravelling the interactions between organic nutrients and phytoplankton in the Western English Channel coastal environment.

The project is funded by the Marine Research Plymouth partnership and co-supervised by Dr Katherine Helliwell (Marine Biological Association), Professor Mark Fitzsimons (University of Plymouth) and Dr Andy Rees (PML).

Stephanie graduated with a first class MSci Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia, during which she investigated how additions of inorganic nutrients to coastal water samples influenced chlorophyll concentration. A previous atmospheric chemistry internship, master’s year studying at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Science at the University of Tasmania, and recent BIO-CARBON research expedition have nurtured her desire to pursue a marine science research career.

Key Projects

  • 2021-22, “The importance of nutrient concentrations in The Wash and their implications for primary production”
  • 2021, “Carbonyl sulfide (COS) and its isotopic analogues”