Governance & structure
In 2002 PML became an independent company limited by guarantee (clg) with charitable status; company number 4178503; charity registration number 1091222. We are governed in accordance with charity law by a Board of Trustees, who are also Directors under company law.
Our commitment to excellence extends to our governance arrangements by adopting best practice from the charity sector and from the corporate sector where appropriate.
Our Board membership reflects the need to have both strong scientific as well as business representation (see People for our Board composition).
In addition to the main Board we have four committees:
- Audit & Finance Committee
- Innovation Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Science Advisory Council
Would you like to join our Board of Trustees?
We are always open to receiving expressions of interest from those interested in becoming Trustees as vacancies may arise from time to time.
How we operate
Our Chief Executive, Prof. Icarus Allen, has delegated responsibility from our Board for the day-to-day running of the organisation and chairs our Senior Management Team.
Science delivery is led by our Director of Science, Prof. Steve Widdicombe.
Operational support is delivered through our various Heads of Group, leadership of whom is split between our Chief Executive and Director of Operations, Bev Tremain.