9th Our Ocean Conference

Tuesday 16 April 2024 - Wednesday 17 April 2024

Location: Athens, Greece
This event has now ended and is archived

The 9th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) with the theme “Our Ocean – An Ocean of Potential” is a two-day event of global scope, focusing on: climate change, biodiversity loss/ marine protected areas, sustainable fisheries, sustainable blue economy, marine security and marine pollution.

This year marks the ten-year anniversary to the inaugurating first OOC in the USA which as its principal goal is to boost ambitious commitments and actions for the noble cause of assuring clean and healthy oceans and seas. PML is proud to have contributed to the Our Ocean Conferences from its launch in 2014 onwards.

Participation in the event is by invitation only with Dr James Lord attending for Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Dr Lord will be joined by participants from across the world, including government representatives, NGO’s, academia and private sector companies.

For further information on the Conference and its goals, including agenda and commitments please visit https://www.ourocean2024.gov.gr/

Purpose: James Lord attending

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