
Devon Climate Emergency hearing at PML

05 December 2019

Last week, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) hosted Devon Climate Emergency’s second Thematic Hearing on Food, Land and Sea; part of a series of hearings to gather evidence on how to achieve net-zero carbon in Devon.

PML staff speaking at Devon Climate Emergency Hearing

Bringing together a group of experts, including PML’s Prof. Stephen Widdicombe and Dr Nicola Beaumont, to share knowledge, challenges and opportunities in reducing carbon emissions, the evidence gathered will be presented for discussion at a Citizen’s Assembly and used to inform the Devon Carbon Plan.

Professor Stephen Widdicombe, Director of Science at PML, commented: “It was a pleasure to be involved with this evidence gathering on achieving net-zero carbon in Devon. Hearing from such a diverse range of stakeholders was fascinating and we look forward to the development of Devon’s Carbon Plan.”

Related information

Devon residents are also being asked to submit ideas on reducing carbon emissions and more information on this can be found at

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