PML scientists on Highly Cited Researchers 2021 List
17 November 2021
PML is proud to announce that two of our academics have been named on the annual Highly Cited Researchers™ 2021 list from Clarivate.

Prof. Pennie Lindeque and Dr Matthew Cole have both once again been recognised as Highly Cited Researchers in this annual ranking, with Prof. Lindeque appearing for the 3rd time and the 2nd listing for Dr Cole.
The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.
Their names are drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science™ citation index. The methodology that determines the “who’s who” of influential researchers draws on the data and analysis performed by bibliometric experts and data scientists at the Institute for Scientific Information™ at Clarivate.
Prof. Pennie Lindeque, Head of Science for Marine Ecology &Biodiversity at PML and a Merit Scientist, commented on the award: “It is a great honour to receive this recognition and it is a privilege to be able to work on a true passion of mine; understanding and tackling such an important environmental issue as microplastic pollution. Very grateful to my team and colleagues who have all contributed to this accolade.”
Dr Matthew Cole, Senior Marine Ecologist and Ecotoxicologist at PML, added: “Having complete my PhD on the impact of microplastics on zooplankton, it is wonderful to see that only 10 years later, my work is being recognised at this level. Many thanks to colleagues across PML and beyond who have supported me.”
David Pendlebury, Senior Citation Analyst at the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate, said: “It is increasingly important for nations and institutions to recognize and support the exceptional researchers who are driving the expansion of the world’s knowledge. This list identifies and celebrates exceptional individual researchers who are having a significant impact on the research community as evidenced by the rate at which their work is being cited by their peers. The research they have contributed is fueling the innovation, sustainability, health and security that is key for our society’s future.”
Related information
The full 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list and executive summary can be found online here.
Follow the list on Twitter @ClarivateAG #HighlyCited2021.