Robots for a 'Resilient Ocean'
28 October 2021
The use of autonomous ocean-going vessels, SMART platforms and other maritime technologies are in focus as part of a short film from IMarEST and ITN Productions, featuring the Future Autonomous at Sea Technologies (FAST) Cluster and SmartSound Plymouth.

In the week leading up to COP26, “Resilient Ocean’ highlights the importance of preserving the future health and resilience of our ocean resources through scientific advances, recognising that the marine world is faced with some of the biggest challenges of our time – from mitigating climate change to maintaining the world’s food supply and security.
Anchored by ITN Productions presenter Marverine Cole from the ITN Productions London studio, Resilient Ocean includes a range of experts within the sector, focusing on ocean health and addressing global issues, encouraging new people into the industry and exploring the technologies and automation evolving the sector.
This includes Plymouth Marine Laboratory’s Dr James Fishwick, Head of SmartSound Plymouth and Chair of the FAST Cluster, which represents more than 30 organisations from across industry, academia and local government working on the development of innovative marine autonomous solutions.
Dr Fishwick says: “It’s an incredibly exciting time for the advancement of marine tech and innovation, with Plymouth and the wider South West playing a leading role in the growth of the sector. Technology is enabling us to better understand and manage our ocean resources in a sustainable way and the types of collaboration we are seeing within the FAST Cluster are really exciting. This film from ITN and IMarEST showcases some of that work and it’s a wonderful introduction to the future of autonomous marine technology.”