Project outputs and reports
Work Package 4.4: A governance analysis of Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management and the Well-being agenda in Wales
Policy brief – An analysis and evaluation of FCERM governance: A summary of research findings
Integrating Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management and Well-being in Wales: Workshop Highlights
Rendón, O.R., Dancke Sandorf, E. and Beaumont, N.J. (2022). Heterogeneity of values for coastal flood risk management with nature-based solutions. Journal of Environmental Management 304: 114212. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114212
Thomas, M., Roberts, E., Pidgeon, N. & Henwood, K. (2020). Using photographs in coastal research and engagement: reflections on two case studies. In M. Gustavsson, C. White, J. Philipsson, & K. Ounanian (Eds.), Researching people and the sea: methodologies and traditions. Palgrave
Roberts, E., Thomas, M., Pidgeon, N., & Henwood, K. (2020). ‘Valuing Nature for Wellbeing: Narratives of socio-ecological change in dynamic intertidal landscapes‘. Environmental Values
McKinley, E. Pagès, J.F. Alexander, M. Burdon, Martino, D. S. (2020). Uses and management of saltmarshes: A global survey. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106840.
Bennett, W.G., Van Veelen, T.J., Fairchild, T.P., Griffin, J.N. and Karunarathna, H. (2020). Computational modelling of the impacts of saltmarsh management interventions on hydrodynamics of a small macro-tidal estuary, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.3390/jmse8050373.
Van Veelen, T.J., Fairchild, T., Reeve, D.E. and Karunarathna, H. (2020). Experimental study on vegetation flexibility as control parameter for wave damping and velocity structure, Coastal Engineering, 157, 103648.
McKinley, E., Pagès, J.F., Ballinger, R.C., Beaumont, N. 2020, Forgotten landscapes: Public attitudes and perceptions of coastal saltmarshes, Ocean & Coastal Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105117
Rendón, O.R. Garbutt, A. Skov, M. Möller, I., Alexander, M.A., Ballinger, R., Wyles, K. Smith, G., McKinley, E., Griffin, J., Thomas, M., Davidson, K., Pagès, J.F., Read, S., Beaumont, N. A framework linking ecosystem services and human well‐being: Saltmarsh as a case study. People Nat. 2019; 00: 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10050
Davis, K.J., Binner, A., Bell, A., Day, B., Poate T., Rees, S., Smith, G., Wilson, K., & Bateman, I. (2018) A generalisable integrated natural capital methodology for targeting investment in coastal defence, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2018.1537197
McKinley, E., Pagès, J. F, Wyles, K. J, & Beaumont, N. (2019). Ecosystem services: A bridge or barrier for UK marine stakeholders? Ecosystem services, 37, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100922
Gabe-Thomas, E., Wyles, K., Beaumont, N. (2019). Psychological restoration potential of coastal environments and flood protection: a photo-rating study. Valuing Nature Partnership Conference. London, 28th-29th October.
Thomas, M., Roberts, E., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N. (2019) I want to show you something about the saltmarsh”: exploring intangible values for wellbeing as part of the CoastWEB project. Valuing Nature Partnership Conference. London, 28th-29th October.
Alexander, M., McKinley, E. and Ballinger, R. (2019) Barriers and enablers to aligning policy agendas – the case of Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales. Valuing Nature Partnership Conference. London, 28th-29th October.
Rendon, O. (2019). The ecosystem services approach is based on the interdependencies between nature and human well-being. Valuing Nature Partnership Conference. London, 28th-29th October.
Thomas, M (2019) Developing social science methods for coastal engagement. Environment Evidence Swansea, 19th Sept 2019.
van Veelen T. J., Fairchild T., & Reeve D. E. (2018) Development of a new model to assess the role of vegetation on wave dissipation and coastal flood risk. International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
McKinley, E., Pagès, J. F, Beaumont, N. (2018) Communicating the value of saltmarshes: Developing a typology for communicating ecosystem service values for use in policy, management and communication. Coastal Dynamics Conference. Helsingør, Denmark.
Garbutt, A., Skov, M., Alexander, M., Ballinger, R., Wyles, K., Smith, G., McKinley, E., Griffin, J., Thomas, M., Davidson, K., Pagès, J.F., Read, S., Beaumont, N. (2018) A framework for understanding the links between ecosystem services and human well-being: the case of saltmarshes. Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference, Paris.