Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) annual ITAC meeting

Tuesday 24 October 2023 - Thursday 26 October 2023

Location: National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK
This event has now ended and is archived

Our Earth Observation Data Analyst Dr Liz Atwood will be speaking at the Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) annual Industry Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) meeting. ITAC is non-commercial and driven by OSRL as part of their advocacy programme, recognising the benefits of engaging our front-line response staff in industry-focussed technical discussion central to developing more effective oil spill response. The 3 day programme will include various talks and generous time slots for discussions and networking.

For further information please visit: ITAC 2023 | noc-events.co.uk and to register ITAC 2023 Registration | noc-events.co.uk

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