
Virtual Ocean Dialogues

01 July 2020

The first ever completely virtual global conference for ocean action, the Virtual Ocean Dialogues, took part (1-5 June) with Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) a co-host of the “Deep Dive’ session on Ocean Acidification and Climate – Ocean Impacts.

Coral underwater

The Dialogues, organized by the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, fostered inclusive, constructive and practical exchanges to maintain momentum on the ocean action agenda. The overall event had over 1,300 participants from more than 90 different countries attending with livestreamed sessions reaching over 780,000 views across all platforms.

The Dialogues contributed to maintaining momentum for action for a healthy ocean. They have also drawn global attention to the ocean as a solution and how it should comprise an integral part of both the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will feed into several international processes taking place in the coming months, including the United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2021.

Ocean acidification and other climate-related ocean stressors have widespread impacts on marine ecosystems which impact human wellbeing; the “Deep Dive’ session explored innovative and inclusive actions that are helping local communities, industry partners and governments find solutions—including policy actions—for addressing and adapting to impacts of ocean acidification. PML partnered with the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification in collaboration with UN Peace Boat, and DEFRA.

•Dr. Helen Findlay, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network – Executive Council and Co-Chair of the North East Atlantic Ocean Acidification Hub
•Dr. Lisa Suatoni, National Resources Defense Council, USA

•Professor Gideon Henderson, Chief Scientific Adviser, UK Department for Environment, Food &Rural Affairs
•Minister Couve, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Government of Chile,
•Jennifer Hennessey, Office of Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, Senior Ocean Advisor, USA Pacific Region
•Fran Wilshusen, Habitat Services Director, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
•Meredith White, Mook Seafood Farms, Research and Development Lead, USA Atlantic Region

Watch the recording of the ‘Deep Dive’ session below:


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