ProBleu: Promoting ocean and water literacy in school communities
Active project
Project Start: June 2023 | Project End: May 2026
Project Funder: EU
Principal Investigator: Dr Gennadi Lessin
Other Participants: Prof Stefan Simis, Fiona Beckman, Michael Wathen, Prof Kevin Flynn, Dr Ben O’Driscoll
ProBleu aims to mobilise and engage students, school communities, and the wider community across the EU and associated countries to enhance understanding, stewardship, and literacy about oceans and waters, with a focus on restoring them by 2030 and growing the Network of European Blue Schools.
Probleu’s Third Funding Call is now closed. Click here for more information about future calls >>
ProBleu will actively involve and motivate students to engage in the implementation of mission objectives for ocean and water conservation. Through student and school projects, participants will actively contribute to ocean and water literacy, sustainability, and the broader goals of the project, while also becoming part of the expanding Network of European Blue Schools within the EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy.
One of the key outcomes will be an increase in ocean and water literacy among children, youth, teachers, and schools. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the value of oceans and waters, as well as a heightened sense of responsibility towards the planet and its boundaries. By promoting awareness and knowledge about these vital ecosystems, the project will empower young individuals to become advocates for their protection and sustainable use.
Moreover, ProBleu seeks to ramp up accreditation for schools within the Network of European Blue Schools, encouraging their active engagement in related activities. Using Open Schooling methodologies, participants will interact with their communities and effectively communicate the results of their projects, thereby spreading awareness and knowledge about ocean and water conservation. By bringing the ocean and water topics into classrooms at the EU and associated countries level, the project aims to foster a culture of environmental stewardship among students, teachers, and schools.
As one of six partners in ProBleu, PML’s contribution to the project will have a significant impact on children and youth in primary and secondary schools across the EU and associated countries. PML will particularly develop teaching aids which interactively link educators and students to state-of-the-art marine and freshwater science, through observation technology, models and simulations.