Sea State CCI
Project Start: May 2018 | Project End: March 2022
Project Funder: European Space Agency
Principal Investigator: Dr Graham Quartly
Other Participants: Dr Andrey Kurekin Dr Francesco Nencioli
Project Website:
Sea State CCI is part of the European Space Agency’s programme to deliver long-term homogeneous datasets covering many of the recognised Essential Climate Variables. The 15-member consortium for the Sea State project is led by LOPS/Ifremer, with PML involved in the Algorithm Development Team.
Our goal is to improve algorithms for the recovery of wave height information from radar altimeters. The first 3-year phase of the project started in June 2018, and had User Consultation Meetings in Ifremer (October 2019) and a virtual one in March 2021 (organised by PML).