AMT22 Cruise Report
Tarran, GA
The AMT22 cruise set sail from Southampton in the UK on 10 October 2012 and arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile on 24 November 2012. The principal scientist was Glen Tarran from Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
The cruise took measurements by autonomous instrumentation in parallel with the ship observations.
A NASA overflight took place during the cruise, with which the data from AMT was used to provide important validation. The aim of the flight was to increase the capability of the airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar in relation to ocean ecosystems, air-sea gas exchange and ocean-aerosol interactions. The flight was used to improve the functionality of the Research Scanning Polarimeter which measures the properties of aerosols and clouds. Argo floats from the Met Office and Villefrance were also deployed and gliders from Rutgers University followed similar cruise tracks.
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Tarran, GA. 2012. AMT22 Cruise Report. PML Publishing. doi: 10.17031/zav4-8z53
Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum and Plymouth Sound National Marine Park (eds)
Robins DB, Bale AJ, Moore GF, Rees NW, Hooker SB, Gallienne CP, Westbrook AG, Maranon E, Spooner WH, Laney SR
Ana M Queirós, Mingxi Yang, Saskia Rühl, Cornelia Rindt, Melissa Ward and Steve Crooks