AMT8 Cruise Report
Rees, N
The AMT8 cruise took place between 25 April and 7 June 1999 when the RRS James Clark Ross sailed from the Falkland Islands to the UK, via Ascension Island. The principal scientist was Nigel Rees from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
The cruise was divided into three legs: Stanley-Montevideo, Montevideo-Ascension and Ascension-UK, each with different scientific objectives and activities.
On leg 1 the sampling strategy was tailored to investigate the structure of eddy systems within the Brazil/Falklands confluence.
The NASA optics team joined the cruise in Montevideo which resulted in the sampling strategy on legs 2 and 3 focusing on the acquisition of optical measurements and concurrent data on phytoplankton pigments and species, zooplankton, hydrographic properties, biogases and nutrients.
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Rees, N 1999 . PML Publishing. doi: 10.17031/0mx9-2c06
Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum and Plymouth Sound National Marine Park (eds)
Robins DB, Bale AJ, Moore GF, Rees NW, Hooker SB, Gallienne CP, Westbrook AG, Maranon E, Spooner WH, Laney SR
Ana M Queirós, Mingxi Yang, Saskia Rühl, Cornelia Rindt, Melissa Ward and Steve Crooks