AMT9 Cruise Report
Rees, N
AMT9 took place between 15 September and 13 October 1999 when the RRS James Clark Ross sailed from Grimsby in the UK to Montevideo, Uruguay. The principal scientist was Nigel Rees from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
The cruise aimed to develop links between the autonomous shipboard, towed measurements and satellite remote sensed observations by extrapolating measurements of the oceans and atmosphere from research ships to basin-scales.
The AMT9 cruise report is only available as a gangplank report (see links) which was produced on board by the principal scientist. There are no plans to produce a full AMT9 report.
AMT9 cruise report
AMT9 chlorophyll image
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
RRS James Clark Ross
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Rees, N 1999 . PML Publishing. doi: 10.17031/gxkd-y562
Ana M Queirós, Mingxi Yang, Saskia Rühl, Cornelia Rindt, Melissa Ward and Steve Crooks